Is this for real?

Have a look at this from CNN, dated the 9th.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — A conservative majority of the Supreme Court appeared ready Wednesday to support an Indiana law requiring voters to show photo identification, despite concerns that it could deprive thousands of people of their right to vote.

The Supreme Court is reviewing an Indiana law that requires voters to show a photo ID.

At issue is whether state laws designed to stem voter fraud would disenfranchise large numbers of Americans who might lack proper identification — many of them elderly, poor or minority voters.

In what has become a highly partisan legal and political fight, the justices wrestled with a balancing test of sorts to ensure both state and individual interests were addressed.
Civil rights activists and the state Democratic Party complain Indiana’s law is the most restrictive in the nation.

OK now – do you see what I see in this?

Photo ID to vote? What’s the big deal? Who doesn’t have a photo ID in this country today?

For God’s sake you need photo ID to cash a check! (And if you’re hip enough to use an ATM you are certainly competent to get a photo ID somewhere.)

Of course, it’s been gleefully pointed out that you need photo ID to vote in Mexico, and my wife informs me that you need it in Poland as well. (That probably means the rest of Europe too.)

And what’s this “A conservative majority of the Supreme Court” and “highly partisan legal and political fight” thing? How is this a conservative or liberal issue? It’s procedure, not policy!

Does anyone else see what seems perfectly plain about this case or am I paranoid?

This is a blatant attempt to keep it easy to commit vote fraud.

My voter ID doesn’t have a picture, so I have to show a photo. If I weren’t who I said I was – oh say, if I were not the person named, not a citizen, or registered in two places – then I’d have to commit not one, but two major felonies to vote. One by voting where I wasn’t entitled to, and two by obtaining and using fake ID – and thereby leaving a photo trail of evidence.


If I were me in those circumstances, I’d want to cut a deal with the prosecutor to lead him to the higher-ups in the scam. Uh-oh

Makes one wonder what might have been going on till now…

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