Martial law?

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A journalist has uncovered what he interprets as a plan by George Bush to declare martial law and cancel elections.

Well, I’ve been hearing this kind of stuff for… a long time now. Nixon was going to do it, the Clintons were going to do it, the old Japanese-American internment camps were being refurbished for all the political enemies etc etc.

I really don’t consider this terribly likely for a number of reasons. The guvmint doesn’t have a corps of fanatical loyalists who would arrest masses of their fellow-citizens – and if they did there are still the various armed services who take their oath to the Constitution seriously, state and local police who have quite a bit of autonomy and resentment of federal agencies such as the FBI (a.k.a. “the feebs”), and in extremis there are an awful lot of guns in private hands.

Understand, I’m not denying there are any number of politicos who would do it if they thought they could get away with it. But our country just isn’t centrally organized enough for a successful coup d’etat like the Latin American and European countries have with monotonous regularity.

What I wonder is, could this be a plan of action for the day the no-name nuke detonates on American soil?

I’ve written about this before. We know for almost certain sure it’s coming, and we know where – D.C. and Manhattan. The when is the big if. And what we do afterwards.

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