The Perfect Storm of the Left

The perfect storm of the Left is gathering.

A discredited president, an unpopular war, a tanked economy, and the fruition of a generations-long infiltration of America’s schools and media is building to gale-force.

The opposition candidate is demoralized and cannot articulate, or even define, his positions. Indeed, to this day he seems oblivious to the damage he’s done to the First Amendment with the bill that bears his name, McCain-Feingold.

Next year, barring a major upset, we will have a born-and-bred Hard Left president, and a compliant congress.

Think Russia, 1917, or the end of the Weimar Republic.

But perhaps it won’t be that bad. Perhaps it won’t be the Soviet Socialist States of America/National Socialist American Workers Party. Perhaps it’ll only be Chicago politics writ large.

Forty years ago, Bill Ayers and his consort Bernadine Dohrn’s comrades battled the police of the Daley dynasty in the streets of Chicago. Today, Ayers and Dohrn and their comrades have joined forces with Daley II’s machine.

Daley I elected John F. Kennedy by delivering Illinois’ electoral votes to the Democratic Party. Now his heir is helping the now-grown kids whose heads were busted by his daddy’s cops elect their protoge president of the United States.

Do you find this odd or ironic?

I don’t. I’ve read history, I’ve read Machiavelli.

This is the end of the Long March of the Left. This is the time they come down from the Sierra Maestre.

I do not mean a mere victory for the Democratic Party. Would it were only that!

I’ve been occupied lately covering the local election to the North Dakota state legislature. The three incumbents in our district (one state senator, two state representatives) are Democrats, and all decent, honorable citizen-legislators well worth listening to on the state issues.

On the national level, their party has been captured by the Hard Left – and I think I’ve detected signs of their being uncomfortale with this. All of them, for example, are avid hunters and gun owners.

Their Republican challengers would like to tie them to the national party on this and other issues, but it just doesn’t come up in the context of state politics.

I don’t know how far this applies in other states – but I know I shouldn’t like to be a local Democrat who doesn’t get with the national program under a Leftist regime.

Think Kronstadt, think Old Bolsheviks.

Starting I think a year after Obama takes office, if there is a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, it’s going to get very bad.

If the Republicans succeed in keeping a one or two-vote filibuster number, how much do you want to bet the news media can find a scandal or two to knock at least one Republican politico out of congress?

For years I’ve said the Hard Left cannot win in this country, because they’ve made a major strategic mistake, they don’t like guns and they’ve made it too plain they despise the profession of arms.

Your revolution is not likely to get far when you alienate the police and military, and don’t learn to fight yourself.

Now look at this:

July 2, Colorado Springs: “We can not continue to rely only on our military in order meet the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.”

Don’t just read it, LOOK AT THE DAMN THING! That’s what it took for it to sink in for me, and I have to look at it again every few days to remind myself that it’s real.

Do you wonder what color shirts they’ll wear?

Who do you think they’ll be recruiting from? Teenagers? Disaffected minorities? Illegal aliens even, as part of an “amnesty” and “path to citizenship”?

Surly kids with badges and guns, joy forever unconfined!

Now see: “The Barack Obama Truth Squad”

Now go here
and check out the videos Robert has provided under: Welcome to the New Progressive State

Now consider these trial baloons floated by the Democratic Party.

1) Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, resulting in the blandification of media political coverage and the disapperance of talk radio.

2) Union card check replacing a secret ballot, giving carte blanche to union organizers to send thugs around person-to-person to “invite” them to demand a union at their workplace.

3) Legal challenge to laws requiring photo ID at voting places – if this isn’t an invitation to wide-spread voter fraud, then please tell me what the hell it is.

See here:

Now ask yourself how much packing the Supreme Court would need to reach a different decision in a future case?

The mass of the American people still do not realize the team they are about to elect are not moderate-to-leftists who’ll triangualte to the Center in order to govern.

I suspect we are about to see a huge case of buyers’ remorse – about the time it’s too late.

Obama’s Left pedigree has been well-documented. His utter contempt for the First Amendment is obvious to any who will bother to consult the above cited examples.

And still it comes.

Next: Who’s to blame?

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