Recognizing Israel’s "right to exist"

It’s on the news again. The president is trying to get Israel to make territorial concessions in the hope their enemies will be satisfied, make peace, and recognize Israel’s right to exist.

I can’t believe I’m still hearing this garbage about getting Hamas, Abbas and Whatsisass to recognize Israel’s “right to exist.”

The very term Israel’s right to exist is a lie.

Israel’s enemies aren’t against the existence of a Jewish nation, they’re against the existence of Jews period. End of story.

This isn’t like the cycles of conquest we’re used to hearing about from European history. Poland was conquered and dismembered between Russia, he Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Prussia for 135 years – but there were still Poles.

Those powers subjugated and sometimes attempted to assimilate many various subject nations. They didn’t try to exterminate them genetic stock, lock and barrel.

But that’s what the jihadists want to do.

And how do you know this, you terrible, xenophobic, racist, intolerant person? (I hear you say.)

Oh gee, let me think for a minute…

Could it be because they say so? Loudly, conspicuously, and at every opportunity?

Call it a hunch.

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