Sarah’s gaffe

I found something kind of funny in all the fuss about Sarah Palin confusing “North” with “South” Korea on the Glenn Beck show.

1) She had been talking about South Korea previously in the program – so yes, it was a slip of the tongue. (And for the record, no I don’t think she should run for president, see below.)

2) Nobody has thought to mention “all 57 states,” “the Austrian language,” or “corpse-man” in this context. Or for that matter, GWB’s “Kosovians.” A list of Joe Biden’s gaffes would fill books, not articles. By the way, when I interviewed him some time back that’s what Senator Byron Dorgan called Biden’s plagarism of Neil Kinnock’s speech several election cycles ago.

Biden doesn’t “gaffe” – he lies. And also by the way my fellow-journalists, omitting signigicant data for the purposes of leaving a false impression is also a lie. Look up “lie of omission.”

3) One columnist, Lucius Wilson had this to say, “Can you Imagine if the President or any other Democrat had made that mistake, the Republicans would have been all over the news none stop (sic) crowing about it.”

That’s “non-stop” Mr. Wilson.

It gets better. Go to Sarah Palin’s Facebook page and check out the “President’s Thanksgiving Message to all 57 States.”

My fellow Americans in all 57 states, the time has changed for come. With our country founded more than 20 centuries ago, we have much to celebrate – from the FBI’s 100 days to the reforms that bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system. We know that countries like Europe are willing to stand with us in our fight to halt the rise of privacy, and Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian for that…

The original has links to YouTube videos of the original “gaffes.”

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